Being a mom is wonderful and fulfilling, but it’s also hard work. Those of us who are committed to raising male-identified children to value healthy masculinity and authenticity need to stick together – we have so much to learn from one another.
This is why we’re launching A Call to Boy Moms — our new online community for moms to connect, share, learn, and inspire each other. We’ll create a brave space to be vulnerable and real with each other, and we’ll share all of the ways we can promote authenticity, gender equity, and inclusion with our boys. Isn’t that amazing?
I’m a mom of two, a survivor of domestic violence, and an advocate for the end of all violence against women, girls, and those at the margins of the margins. I’m also an educator and trainer on healthy manhood and parenting for gender and racial equity. I want to launch this community to help moms overcome any obstacles they’re facing — large and small.
We’ll be live on Instagram, and we’re also launching a private community on Facebook. We have big plans to grow from there, but we want to do it with your input. Best of all, it’s free to join.
Sign up below to be a founding member of A Call to Boy Moms.
About your host
My name is Kimya Motley, and I’ll be the host and organizer of the A Call to Boy Moms community. You can expect to find me in the Slack group (launching soon — get an invite by filling out the form above!), and I’ll be jumping on Instagram Live at least twice a month with parents, educators, and other inspiring guests.
I’m excited to be launching this group because moms need each other. We are all navigating an extremely difficult world right now, and it’s better when we can do it together. No matter your circumstances, if you identify as a mom of a boy, you are welcome in this community.
My path as a mom has been traumatic, and I wish I had a community like this years ago. When I married my ex-husband, he was abusive to me and my son and I felt powerless to do anything about it. He nearly killed my daughter and me, shooting us multiple times with a .38. We both lived by God’s grace.
People often think this was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. It wasn’t. My childhood was harder, and then trying to parent children while being a product of trauma was so much worse.
I did not have an example to follow. I asked for advice from family and friends, but they were unable to help. We are all children of the same socialization. Today, I want to be a cycle breaker. I want to help all moms overcome the obstacles they’re facing and become the very best versions of themselves.