Affinity Group Series: A Call to Warriors – A Group for Indigenous Men

Jesus “Chucho” Ruiz

Indigenous Peoples endure even after experiencing genocide, erasure, rape, colonization, boarding schools, governmental violence via laws and policies, forced sterilizations, physical and violent removal from our lands, and so much more. We can no longer be invisible. We must invoke the brilliance, knowledge, wisdom, resilience, and experiences of our ancestors and act now, because as the Hopi People have stated, “we are the ones we have been waiting for.”

A Call to Men is offering an opportunity to join an online community for Indigenous men, led by Indigenous men, to talk about Indigenous manhood, and prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls. In these virtual talking circles, participants will collectively reflect and share sacred words about how patriarchy manifests in our lives, relationships, and communities. Together, we will embrace the character and vision of our ancestors, pre-invasion. We will bring forth the will of our ancestors by fulfilling the obligations of warriors as we collectively define them – to love and protect our communities. These talking circles will culminate into a call to action – a ceremonial run for the healing of Indigenous men – for the capacity to love and feel loved, to know and express need and emotion, to heal from structural and colonial violence, for redemption from self and communal destruction, for recovery from substance use, and for healing in Indigenous communities.

As a group, we will dissect the impact of patriarchy and colonialism on boys and men as experienced by Indigenous-identified men. We will engage in challenges that will counter the negative impacts of patriarchy, and will collectively bring healing to our communities. A Call to Warriors seeks to promote healing, accountability, justice, and liberation for ALL. We hope to have you with us.

A Call to Warriors will be held throughout 2024 on the final Wednesday of each month from 4 – 5:30 p.m. ET. Each session will be over Zoom, and video participation is required.

There is no charge to attend, but participants must RSVP. Please contact Jesus “Chucho” Ruiz at with any questions.

A Call to Warriors

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