A Call to Men Offerings (CCAW)


At A Call to Men, we believe that in order to decrease gender-based violence, we must teach and embody the principles of healthy, respectful manhood. When men step outside of the Man Box, they are able to operate as their authentic selves without societal pressures. By continuing to uplift women and girls and center the voices of those at the margins of the margins, we will achieve a safer, more inclusive society. To learn how you can break out of the Man Box— after attending the conference, feel free to check out our other offerings!

A Call to Men (ACTM) Offerings



Training Institutes for Gender and Racial Justice 

2 sessions; 4.5 hours per session 

These sessions will activate a grassroots movement promoting healthy manhood and addressing male domination, White supremacy, and the intersections of oppression that contribute to gender-based violence, assist participants in laying the groundwork for the social change in their communities and culture, and provide participants with hands-on training on how to effectively engage in local community organizing efforts. 


Critical Conversations Series 

2 hours per session

Each Critical Conversation topic will be selected collectively by your organization’s core group’s leadership and A Call to Men.  Each topic will be taught by a team of up to 4 trainers focusing on courageous and critical conversations to deepen participants’ understanding and commitment to action.  Some example topics are below:

  • Patriarchy: Our Socialization & Male Domination
  • Centering the Margins of the Margins
  • Building Your Toolbox for Community Engagement
  • Using Storytelling as a Practice for Collective Liberation
  • Healthy Manhood & Mental Health


Transformation & Accountability in Action Labs 

1.5 Hours 

Each Lab will be an intimate opportunity for participants to practice aspiring allyship, critical introspection or expand a specific skill led by two A Call to Men facilitators/trainers.  They can be geared towards specific gender or race identities. 


Aspiring Allies Series

1.5 Hours; 8-12 Sessions

An 8-week series that educates and engages participants on shared socialization, deconstructs harmful sexist teachings that are often perpetuated unintentionally, and offers an opportunity to be part of the solution and work towards becoming an Aspiring Ally. The training goes deep to address the underlying causes of violence, harassment and discrimination against women that are rooted in the ways women and girls have been traditionally viewed and treated in our society.  In this process they center the leadership of those at the margins of the margins, specifically and intentionally, Black women. Those who attend will work to challenge the traditional notions of masculinity and understand ways to support, uplift, and center the experiences and voices of all women and girls. Our process engages and invites us all to relearn, unlearn and build together towards collective liberation. 



The Man Box Training

60 minutes ; Virtual or in-person

The Man Box training radically challenges the collective socialization of men by examining the social norms, culture, and traditional images of manhood that have created an environment that supports, tolerates and often encourages men’s violence against women. It articulates how the Man Box perpetrates sexism and inequality, and how embracing and promoting a healthy, respectful manhood will prevent sexual harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, and other social ills. It provides insight into the construct of sexism and challenges the privileges and entitlements given to men by men. This training runs 60 minutes and is interactive, engaging, powerful, and transformative for all genders. 


Power & Equity Training

90 minutes ; Virtual or in-person

A Call to Men will guide participants through a Power & Equity training that deconstructs how we’ve been taught to view gender and race and positions participants to understand and re-evaluate power structures, develop their skills as courageous leaders, and rise toward real equity and safety for all women and girls. 


Five Habits for a Healthy and Respectful Workplace

90 minutes ; Virtual or in-person

A Call to Men’s signature diversity, equity & inclusion training outlines five essential habits for the pursuit equity and respect at work. The training radically challenges the collective socialization of men by examining the social norms, culture, and traditional images of manhood that have created an environment that supports, tolerates and often encourages men’s discrimination against women. It will provide insight into the construct of sexism and challenges the privileges and entitlements given to men by men. It unveils ways that workplaces may be unintentionally reinforcing sexism and racism and presents this moment as a tremendous opportunity to create a world – and a workplace – that can better serve everyone. 


Working with Youth to Advance Gender and Racial Equity 

90 minutes  ; Virtual or in-person

A Call to Men educates fathers, father figures, mentors, coaches, and community leaders on how to promote a healthy manhood as a way to advance gender equity and encourage male authenticity. It provides tools and strategies that decrease dating violence, sexual assault, male suicide, and gun violence. It outlines the importance of centering the voices and experiences of youth leaders. The training integrates content from A Call to Men’s Book of Dares and Live Respect Coaching Healthy Respectful Manhood Curriculum. 


Circles of Influence 

10-weekly 90 minute sessions

Men and boys are living through a monumental time of tremendous stress and incredible opportunity. They are stepping up as committed aspiring allies to women, girls, and others who face multiple forms of oppression. They are striving to be intentional parents and leaders in our workplaces and communities. To be good role models and to live into our values. A Call to Men is offering opportunities to create a virtual community of multi-generational, like-minded men – a Circle of Influence – where facilitators will offer a guided discussion, present key concepts, and create intentional time and space to support the work men are doing to promote healthy manhood in their lives, families, and communities. 


Live Respect Curriculum: Life Skills and Well Being for Boys and Young Men 

12 hours

A Call to Men partners with middle and high schools and athletic or mentoring programs to implement the Live Respect Coaching Healthy, Respectful Manhood Curriculum. Data show that the curriculum significantly increases young people’s understanding of — and commitment to — gender equity and violence prevention. The curriculum was written in partnership with Scholastic. 


Affinity Group Training

2 Hours ;  Virtual or in-person ; Typically part of a Community Engagement Model

A CALL TO MEN will provide in-depth, follow-up training for affinity groups (Women of Excel Sports, Black at Excel, and the Diversity & Inclusion Task Force). The two-hour workshop educates participants on effective engagement strategies and facilitates action planning for deep, meaningful, and lasting culture change. 


A Call to Warriors

10 monthly 90 minute sessions 

An online community for Indigenous men, led by Indigenous men, to talk about Indigenous manhood, and prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls. In these Virtual Talking Circles, facilitators will offer guided discussions to explore topics related to Indigenous manhood and create space to support men pursuing a healthy manhood and seeking to promote equity in their communities. Virtual Talking Circles will promote healing, accountability, justice, and liberation for ALL.


A Call to Men of Asian Descent 

10 monthly 90 minute sessions

Community Conversation series offering men of Asian descent a virtual space to connect with other Asian men to grow, share, and learn. As a community, we will be examining our connection to violence against all women/girls as we explore our own sources of pain, fear, and grief and seek healing together.



Virtual Power & Equity Training

90 minutes 

A CALL TO MEN guides corporate leaders through a transformative training that deconstructs how we’ve been taught to view race and gender and positions corporate leaders to understand and re-evaluate power structures, develop their skills as courageous leaders, and rise toward real equity at work. The training runs 90-minutes and is interactive, engaging, powerful, and transformative. 


Military Training

60 – 90 minutes

A Call to Men has worked with the U.S. military for over 12 years — offering trainings at West Point, Annapolis, and numerous domestic and international military installations. We work with service members to deepen their awareness and understanding of domestic violence and sexual assault and to provide resources to help them take an active role in violence prevention.


Our training program consists of a presentation and a discussion exploring the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault within our society. Participants will examine the following:

  • The impact of domestic violence and sexual assault on victims, families, perpetrators, and communities.
  •  Strategies to build and maintain healthy relationships.
  • The role that all service members and leaders can play in domestic and sexual violence prevention and strategies to create safer communities.
  • The influence and platform that the military has in our society contribute to domestic violence and sexual assault prevention efforts.


To learn how you can break out of the Man Box— after attending the conference, feel free to check out our other offerings and send an email to info@acalltomen.org.

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